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Prescription Refills & After Hours Calls


Prescription Refills
We are happy to provide prescription refills during office hours within the guidelines of high quality medical care and the law. 


For all prescription refills we ask that you please
  • Contact your pharmacy and have them call or fax our office with your refill request (FAX 831 636-8805) for our authorization.  We will then review your child’s medical record to assure that the refill is consistent with the care plan and any upcoming appointments.  In some cases, our practitioners may request an office visit with your child prior to refilling the prescription.
  • Call and provide our office with an update on your child's health condition at 831 636-8888.  For most prescriptions, we must have this information in order to authorize dispensing of the medication
  • Keep all scheduled recheck appointments.  Consistent with the provision of the best medical care, we cannot authorize prescription refills in the absence of current health status information. 


After Hours Telephone Care

We strongly encourage patients and their families to contact us during regular hours whenever possible.  This permits us to provide you with the best possible care.  Your child’s chart and medical history are at our fingertips; we can bring the full complement of our resources to bear on your child’s question or concern. 


However, we do realize that, rarely, your child’s health concern arises with no warning after our office has closed for the day.  In those cases, we encourage you to contact us sooner, rather than later at 831 636 8888.  Follow the message prompt to page the practitioner on call.



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890 Sunset Drive, Suite B2, Hollister, CA 95023
(831) 636-8888
FAX (831) 636-8805